Science Kinetics (Childcare Services) in Columbus
Full information about Science Kinetics in Columbus: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Science Kinetics on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Science Kinetics:
6291 Busch Blvd, Suite A, Columbus, Ohio (OH), 43229
EditScience Kinetics opening hours:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
EditReviews about Science Kinetics:
About Science Kinetics:
Science Kinetics is committed to the design and fabrication of museum grade interactive exhibits that are educational and appealing to a diverse range of visitors in science centers, children's museums, educational facilities, and other public spaces. Our goal is to provide cost effective, high quality exhibits that are engaging, educational, and easy to maintain for years of enjoyment.
EditChildcare Services nearest to Science Kinetics:
Briar Rose Children`s Center Columbus, Childcare Services; 636 Chase Rd, Columbus, OH, 43085; (614) 431-6000
Nikou Learning Center Columbus, Childcare Services; 1440 Hempwood Dr, Columbus, OH, 43229-3410; (614) 547-0200
Stepping Stones Learning Center Columbus, Childcare Services; 860 Griswold St, Columbus, OH, 43085-3130; (614) 885-6656